Coaches Corner

“No man is a leader until he is ratified in the minds and hearts of his men.” — The Soldier’s Handbook

Overall Goals for Division of Labor & Coaching Strategy

As adult men, fathers and coaches, we have an opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of organized leadership and perfecting one’s role and responsibility to our sons and young athletes. Whereas contradicting instruction and disorganization is commonplace in rocket football, our kids will have the benefit of a leadership staff working on one accord toward a common goal.

Our Commitment

Over the years, we’ve found these four keys to be incredibly valuable to player development, team building and overall enjoyment. KRFA coaches commit to the following:

1. Perfect each players’ understanding of the position “mindset” i.e., the QB is the general, FB is a mean blend of power, speed and aggression, etc.

2. Perfect each player’s understanding of their role and responsibilities for that weeks game plan.

3. No Player Left Behind! Meaning, no player will be an inactive spectator during practices or games! Teach, monitor and reward progression.

4. Increase team depth in terms of ability resulting in more playing time for 2nd and 3rd teamers.

Purpose of Position Coaches

“Too many coaches” isn’t the problem. Lack of organization is. We apply the same coaching structure used at the prep and collegiate level with great efficiency. Please don’t hesitate to join or assume there isn’t a role available for you. Our position coaches are great for:


Increasing 1-on-1 training . . . no player left behind


Focusing individual players on their assignments for the week


Greater efficiency and ability to rotate fresh subs


Extra eyes for Assistants and Head Coach during games

Let’s Talk